Who’s involved

All eight existing councils have pledged to make full use of the knowledge and expertise available across the county and further afield to create two new successful councils.

As well as our knowledgeable staff and councillors, local communities, partners in health, the voluntary sector, the business sector, education and other tiers of government will all help to shape the new services. A more joined-up approach will provide better services for residents and businesses. For more details, see the Prospectus for Change.

West Northamptonshire Shadow Authority

In line with Government legislation, a West Northants Shadow Authority will be set up in June 2020 and will be made up of all the existing members of Daventry, Northampton and South Northants councils along with all Northamptonshire County Councillors representing electoral divisions in these areas.

This will replace the West Northants Joint Committee, which has been steering forward preparations for the new unitary council since March 2019.

You can find information about West Northamptonshire Shadow Authority’s meetings and download agendas and reports using this link.

Shadow Membership

There are 134 members of the West Northamptonshire Shadow Authority.

Some councillors are dual-hatted which means they may sit on a district/ borough council and on the county council. It is one member one vote, twin hatted members do not get two votes.

Cllr Ian McCord will be the Leader for the Shadow West Northamptonshire Council with Cllr Jonathan Nunn as Deputy Leader.

The shadow is made up as follows:

  • Daventry District Council councillors – 36
  • Northampton Borough Council councillors – 45
  • Northamptonshire County Council councillors – 31 of which 20 are dual hatted
  • South Northamptonshire Council councillors – 42

The Shadow Executive

In accordance with Government legislation, the West Northants Shadow Authority will have a Shadow Executive (executive committee). This will be made up of two representatives from each of the current councils, consisting of the Leader plus another Councillor. Membership will be confirmed at the first meeting of the shadow authority (date to be confirmed).

West Northants Joint Committee

The West Northants Joint Committee is made up of councillors from the four current councils. This committee paves the way for the shadow authority to deliver the new unitary council for the west and it will cease when the shadow authority is set up. Its first meeting was held in March 2019
see the agenda and minutes for all meetings held.